This scam is very difficult-to-understand. It contains more than 25 pages. To understand this scam completely, please start from Content.
In this phase, you will learn how scammers take money from both H1B & non-H1B visa workers. Though scammers take visa fee from every visa workers, but the way scammers take visa fee from existing H1B visa workers differs significantly from non-H1B visa workers (L1A, L1B, H4, B1, F1, CPT & OPT). The reason of different approach of taking money is the degree of desperation of visa workers to get H1B visa. |
Non-H1B visa workers are more desperate: |
Comparatively non-H1B visa workers (L1A, L1B, H4, B1, F1, CPT, OPT etc) are more desperate to get H1B visa, so they can be convinced easily to pay money for new H1B visa.
Existing H1B visa workers are less desperate: |
However, existing H1B visa workers are not so desperate for H1B visa, because they are already having H1B visa, hence they can't be convinced easily to pay money for H1B visa transfer.
So scammers use 2 different methods to take visa fee from visa workers: ➤ One method for non-H1B visa workers (L1A, L1B, H4, B1, F1, OPT) & ➤ Another method for H1B visa workers. Scammers both methods of taking visa fee has been described in 2 separate phases: Phase 2A & Phase 2B. Phase 2A : explains how scammers take visa fee from non-H1B (L1A, L1B, H4, B1, F1, OPT, CPT etc) visa workers. Phase 2B : explains how scammers take visa fee from existing H1B visa workers. |
In the next phase, you’ll learn how scammers trap non-H1B visa workers in their net by taking money.
You'll also learn that scammers do not take this money directly as "Visa Fee". Rather, just to fool everyone and to avoid detection for this crime, scammers take visa fee indirectly as some kind of (like Personal/Training/Security etc) "Deposit or Fee". You'll also get an idea of how scammers use this same money to blackmail non-H1B visa worker to sign backdated offer letter, which scammers give to non-H1B Visa worker after the approval of H1B visa petition. |
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): |
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What is the scammers real purpose of taking money (visa fee) for filing new H1B visa petition? The real purpose of taking money is to use this money to blackmail visa worker to sign backdated offer letter (scammers give backdated offer letter to visa worker anywhere after 8-10 months of filing H1B visa petition). Legally, scammers are supposed to give offer letter to visa worker before filing H1B visa petition to USCIS and send the visa worker signed offer letter to USCIS. |
➤ | What is the superficial purpose of taking money (visa fee) for H1B visa? Scammers tell visa worker that they take money to ensure that visa worker must join their company after approval of H1B visa. But it is not the real reason. |
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What purpose scammers give to visa worker for taking money (visa fee) for H1B visa? Do scammers tell the real purpose to visa worker? Scammers tell visa worker that they take money to ensure that visa worker must join their company after approval of H1B visa. But it is not the real reason. Scammers never tell the real purpose to visa worker. |
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What steps scammer take to fool US Govt agencies? To fool US Govt agencies, scammers take money (visa fee) as “Training Deposit” or “Security Deposit” or “Training Fee”. |
More FAQs > > > > > |