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Phase-2: Take Visa fee OF P&D H1B VISA SCAM

I couldn't understand this scam? What should I do to understand it?

This scam is very complex to understand. That's why till now this scam is going undetected. Please go through the entire blog series. You will understand this scam after you go through the entire blog-series.

What is the scammers real purpose of taking money (visa fee) for filing new H1B visa petition?  

The real purpose of taking money is to use this money to blackmail visa worker to sign backdated offer letter (scammers give backdated offer letter to visa worker anywhere after 8-10 months of filing H1B visa petition).
Legally, scammers are supposed to give offer letter to visa worker before filing H1B visa petition to USCIS and send the visa worker signed offer letter to USCIS.  

What is the superficial purpose of taking money (visa fee) for H1B visa? 

Scammers tell visa worker that they take money to ensure that visa worker must join their company after approval of H1B visa. But it is not the real reason. 

What purpose scammers give to visa worker for taking money (visa fee) for H1B visa? Do scammers tell the real purpose to visa worker?  

Scammers tell visa worker that they take money to ensure that visa worker must join their company after approval of H1B visa.
But it is not the real reason. Scammers never tell the real purpose to visa worker. 

What steps scammer take to fool US Govt agencies? 

To fool US Govt agencies, scammers take money (visa fee) as “Training Deposit” or “Security Deposit” or “Training Fee”.

What promise scammers make while taking visa fee?

Scammers promise that this money will be returned along with first paycheck.

Do scammers keep their promise after taking visa fee?

Though scammers return money taken as visa fee in the first paycheck, but by that time scammers keep remaining money of visa worker.

Why do scammers take money (visa fee) when scammers return money (visa fee) to visa worker along with first paycheck?

Scammers take money (visa fee) to trap visa worker. Scammers use this money to blackmail visa worker to sign backdated offer letter (scammers give backdated offer letter to visa worker anywhere after 8-10 months of filing H1B visa petition).
Legally, scammers are supposed to give offer letter to visa worker before filing H1B visa petition to USCIS and send the visa worker signed offer letter to USCIS.

Why do scammers return money (visa fee) back to visa worker?

There are at least 2 reasons of why scammers return money (visa fee): Fear of getting caught & chances of going jail.
Revert back visa abuses/violations.

Why do scammers take money (visa fee) differently for filing new H1B visa and for transferring existing H1B visa?

The reason for 2 different ways of taking money from visa workers is the degree of desperation of visa worker to get H1B visa.
Non-H1B (like L1A, L1B, H4, CPT & OPT) visa workers are relatively more desperate to get H1B visa, so they can be convinced easily to pay money (visa fee) for new H1B visa.
However, existing H1B visa workers may not be so desperate to get H1B visa, so they can't be convinced easily to pay money (visa fee) for H1B visa transfer.

Why do scammers take only token amount from H1B visa worker directly?

Since H1B visa worker is not very desperate to get H1B visa, so scammers take token amount ($100 to $500 depending on the desperation of visa worker & other factors) from H1B visa worker directly.

Why do scammers taken money (visa fee) directly and indirectly from H1B visa worker? Why not scammers take entire money (visa fee) directly from visa worker?

Since H1B visa worker is not very desperate to get H1B visa, so they won't be willing to pay hefty amount for H1B visa transfer. That's why scammers don't take entire money directly.
Scammers take money indirectly, because money taken directly isn’t enough to trap H1B visa worker.

Why do scammers commit fraud and put H1B visa worker at risk by sending visa worker to work at client place even before filing H1B visa petition to USCIS?

The amount of money (visa fee) scammers take from visa worker is not enough to trap visa worker. So, to trap visa worker more tightly, scammers send visa worker to work at client place even before filing H1B visa petition to USCIS. Using this trick, scammers also make visa worker as a partner-in-crime.

What illegal/unlawful activities scammers do in this phase?

Visa abuses, violations, cheating & fraud are some of the illegal activities scammers do in this phase.
Visa Abuses/Violations: Taking money for filing new H1B visa petition & not giving offer letter before filing new H1B visa petition are example of visa abuses/violations.
Cheating: Taking visa fee as “Training Deposit” or “Security Deposit” or “Training Fee” are good example of cheating.
Fraud: Scammers don’t give offer letter to visa worker before filing H1B visa petition, so there is no way scammers can send visa worker-signed offer letter to USCIS (along with H1B visa petition). So scammers fraudulently put visa worker signature on offer letter & send it to USCIS (along with H1B visa petition).

What are the scam indicators & red flags for non-H1B visa workers?

Here are some of scam indicators for non-H1B (L1A, L1B, H4, CPT & OPT) visa worker. If you notice any of the following indicators, please be alert:
Scammers take money for new H1B visa. It is illegal, don’t get trapped. Scammers take money (visa fee) before giving offer letter.
Scammers promise to return visa fee (Why do scammers take money?) Scammers take visa fee as “Training Fee, Training Deposit” or “Security Deposit”.

What are the scam indicators & red flags for H1B visa workers?

Here are some of scam indicators for H1B visa worker. If you notice any of the following indicators, please be alert:
Scammers ask token money for H1B visa transfer.
Scammers ask money before giving offer letter. VERY IMPORTANT. Scammers send visa worker to work at client site before giving offer letter.
Scammers send visa worker to work at client site even before filing H1B visa transfer petition.
Scammers take money indirectly.