This page is part of a blog-series Perfect & Dangerous H1B Visa scam. If you have come to this page directly, then please consider reading this blog-series from its Home Page.

In this annexure, I have explained some of the scam indicators & red flags which most of the visa workers ignore completely.
With little alertness, before paying visa fee to scammers (paying visa fee is the first real trap), visa workers can sense if they're getting trapped by scammers.
Please note that most visa workers ignore these facts & get trapped in this dangerous scam, so please beware.

Here are those 2 Scam Indicators & Red Flags which will be helpful for visa workers:

Scammers promise Percent Salary in pre-joining discussions but refuse to mention in offer letter: If anyone promises to pay certain percentage of billing rate, but refuses to mention in offer letter, then please beware, because most likely you are getting trapped in perfect & dangerous scam.

Scammers promise Percent Salary in pre-joining discussions but pay a fixed salary every month: VERY IMPORTANT. If anyone promises to pay certain percentage of billing rate, but doesn’t pay the entire money every month, then please beware, because most likely you are getting trapped in perfect & dangerous scam.

HOME PAGE ( Perfect & Dangerous H1B Visa Scam ):
If you haven't gone through this blog-series from the beginning, please start from the Home Page of this perfect & dangerous scam and go through each & every phase of this blog.
Reading all phases of this scam will help you to understand this unimaginably perfect & extremely dangerous scam.