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In this annexure, I will explain how much visa workers balance money can grow during their employment. First, let me explain about balance money.


What is balance money?
In simple terms, balance money is the difference of what scammers promise to pay before trapping workers and what scammers actually pay after visa workers get trapped.
In other words:

Balance money = what scammers promise - what scammers actually pay

As mentioned in Phase 1, to trap visa workers in their (scammers) net, scammers promise visa workers that they (scammers) will pay certain percentage of billing rate.
But, once visa workers join the company & get trapped, scammers pay minimum salary to visa workers. The difference between promised pay & actual pay is called balance money.
For Example, if
    $35000   = Billing of visa workers in any month, &
    $5000     = Actual pay of visa workers in that month, then
    $30000   = Balance money, which scammers will keep in that month.
    $360000 = Balance money, which scammers will keep in that year.

How huge is this balance money?
Very huge. If scammers have trapped 500 visa workers, then scammers will get $186000000 ($186 million) every year.

Only to steal this balance money of visa workers, scammers commit all visa abuses, violations & frauds (like visa fee abuses, offer letter fraud, fake client document fraud etc) and make victims (visa workers) partner-in-crime. 
And just to keep all their fraudulent activities undetected, scammers try to revert back all frauds & always try to make victims (visa workers)  partner-in-crime.

So, scammers effort to make visa workers partner-in-crime serves dual purpose for scammers:
It help scammers to steal all balance money of visa workers.
It help scammers to keep all their (scammers) illegal activities undetected.

This balance money grows every day. Scammers never give this balance money to visa workers, though scammers always give that they (scammers) will pay this balance money in future. Scammers give false hope, because scammers do not want any trapped visa workers to leave company, because if any visa workers will leave  the company, then that will result in loss for scammers. 


Suppose, in pre-joining discussion, scammers promise visa workers to make salary 85% of billing rate. But, after visa workers join the company, scammers pay only $60000 per year, then for the billing rate of:

    $200: scammers keep $280000 per year ($2, 800, 000 in 10 years)     $150: scammers keep $195000 per year ($1, 950, 000 in 10 years)     $120:scammers keep $144000 per year ($1, 440, 000 in 10 years)

Let us understand this with the help of a table:

Billing Rate/hr
Pre-joining promised salary
(85% of billing rate)
Visa workers actual salary
in 1 year
Balance money of visa
workers in 1 year
Balance money of visa
workers in 10 year

The above table shows that the reward of committing fraud & illegal activities for scammers is very huge.

Only to steal the balance money of visa workers, scammers take huge (jail-going) risk by committing visa abuses, violations, lying, cheating, fraud etc & arrange H1B visa for visa worker.

This balance money multiplies every year.

As mentioned before, scammers never give this balance money to visa workers, because scammers believe that since they (scammers) have taken huge risk to arrange H1B visa for visa worker, so they (scammers) only have full rights on this balance money of visa workers.

However, scammers never want visa workers to resign from the company, so scammers always give false hope to visa workers that company will pay this balance money in future, but in reality, never pay this balance money to visa worker.

To cheat visa workers, scammers also give fraudulently signed PO (Purchase Order) with less billing rate to visa workers.

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