Contents     Introduction of Scam     Overview of Scam     Tricks of Scammers     Phases of Scam  


I couldn't understand this scam? What should I do to understand it?

This scam is very complex to understand. That's why till now this scam is going undetected. Please go through the entire blog series.
You will understand this scam after you go through the entire blog-series.

What is the main aim of scammers in this phase?

To impress visa worker and take money (visa fee) from visa worker. Taking money is the first trap of this perfect & dangerous scam.

What should visa workers ask to ensure that they are not falling into the trap?

Visa worker should ask the following to ensure that they are not falling into the trap:
If anyone promises to pay certain percentage of billing rate as salary, then ask if company will pay entire money every month. If company refuses to pay entire money every month, then you must be alert.
If anyone promises to pay certain percentage of billing rate, then ask if they can mention this fact in offer letter. If company refuses to mention this fact in offer letter for any reason, then you must be alert.

Why do scammers guarantee visa worker to get H1B visa approved?

To impress visa worker to pay money (visa fee) to scammers and get trapped in this scam.

What tricks scammers use to stop visa worker to negotiate salary & benefits?

Scammers promise visa worker that company will pay some percentage (usually 85%) of billing rate as salary (but scammers don't pay entire amount as salary).
Using this trick, scammers prevent visa worker to negotiate salary & benefits.

How do the false rumors favor scammers?

False rumors favor scammers in 2 ways:
These rumors attract new H1B visa aspirants towards company.
These rumors also discourages visa worker to inform USCIS (or other US Govt agencies) about illegal & fraudulent activities of company.

How do these rumors discourage H1B visa worker to inform USCIS about illegal & fraudulent activities of company?

Visa worker, being alien in US, never want to get into any trouble. They fear that if rumor will be true, then informing anything about scammer to USCIS may boomerang on them. So they never take any steps to report the illegal activities of scammers.

Why do scammers promise visa worker to pay certain percentage of billing rate even though they pay fixed salary every month?

To prevent visa worker to negotiate salary and benefits, scammers promise visa worker to pay some percentage (usually 85%) of billing rate as salary.

How do scammers do when visa worker does not work on any project?

When visa worker doesn't work on any project, then scammers ask visa worker to send false leave mail, so that scammers need not pay any salary during this time.
If visa worker has taken enough leave in that year, then scammers ask money from visa worker to run payroll.
If visa worker doesn't give money, then scammers terminate visa worker. But the terminations is not real. It's a sham termination.
Scammers never inform USCIS about this termination.
Scammers never cancel H1B visa after the termination.
Rather, scammers continue to look for another real project for visa worker.
Once any project gets confirmed, scammers ask visa worker to go to the client place and start working.
Once visa worker joins new project, scammers start running the payroll of visa worker.
So, scammers use the termination as a tool to avoid paying the visa worker, when visa worker is not working at any client place.

How do visa workers get trapped in scammers net?

Visa workers get trapped because of the following 2 assumptions:
They assume that nobody can do any scam in US because law is very strict in US.
They assume that scammers will never cheat, because scammers make money because of them (visa worker).

How do these rumors attract new H1B visa aspirants towards company?

Honest company doesn't give any guarantee about the approval of H1B visa petition. So, when visa worker hears these rumors, they see some ray of hope and get attracted towards these scammers.