Contents     Introduction of Scam     Overview of Scam     Tricks of Scammers     Phases of Scam  


I couldn't understand this scam? What should I do to understand it?

This scam is very complex to understand. That's why till now this scam is going undetected. Please go through the entire blog series. You will understand this scam after you go through the entire blog-series.

What is the ultimate goal of scammers?

Scammers have 2 ultimate goals:
Trap visa worker and take entire remaining money of visa worker. Prevent visa worker from blowing the whistle about the scam & come forward as a witness against scammer.

How scammers achieve its ultimate goal? What is scammers modus operandi?

Scammers achieve its ultimate goal by following these steps:
Trap visa worker by promising to make salary certain percentage of billing rate.
Arrange H1B visa by cheating & fraud.
Pay minimum salary & keep remaining money.
Take entire remaining money of visa worker.
Prevent visa worker from blowing the whistle or act as a witness against scammer.

Why do scammers take huge (jail-going) risk, which can put them behind bars?

Scammers take huge (jail-going) risk to take entire remaining money of visa worker.
To take entire remaining money of visa worker, scammers have to trap visa worker.
To trap H1B visa worker, scammers have to arrange H1B visa for visa worker.
To arrange H1B visa, scammers have to take huge (jail-going) risk.

What precautions scammers take to save themselves from getting nabbed & punished?

Scammers take following 2 precautions to save themselves from getting nabbed & punished:

Revert back all illegal activities: Scammers revert back all visa abuses, violations, cheating & fraud after purpose is met.

Make visa worker partner-in-crime: Even after reverting back all the visa abuses, violations, cheating & fraud, this whole scam still can be busted if any victim blow the whistle. To prevent visa worker from blowing the whistle & busting the scam, scammers make visa worker a partner-in-crime, so that visa worker can't blow the whistle or act as a witness against scammer.

What facts victim should keep in mind about this scam?

Victim (visa worker) should keep the following facts in mind about this scam:
Scammers ensure that visa workers always remain trapped: In this scam, scammers ensure that H1B visa workers always remain trapped. Scammers use many traps, one after another, till visa worker gets caught in the trap completely.

Abuses & Violations: Though scammers commit many visa abuses & violations, but can’t be nabbed & can't be punished because scammers revert back all abuses & violations after purpose is met.

Cheating & Fraud: Similar to abuses & violations, scammers commit many cheating & fraud to get H1B visa approved & to trap visa worker. But it is almost impossible for anyone (including US Govt agencies like USCIS, DHS, DoL etc) to understand, detect & bust the scam and punish scammers.

Why scammers always try to make visa worker part of this scam:

So that visa worker won't blow the whistle or come forward as a witness against scammer.
In this scam, visa worker is only one, who can bust the whole scam by blowing the whistle. Though scammers commit many frauds, cheating, visa abuses & violations, but scammers revert back all these illegal activities immediately after the purpose is met.
After scammers revert back all the illegal activities, no one can punish them for any of the wrongdoing.
So, scammers constantly try to make visa workers part of this scam & try to close the last option of getting this scam busted.
This is most dangerous tricks of scammers, because using this trick, these scammers never get caught & punished by US Govt agencies (like USCIS, DHS, DoL, DoJ etc).

How scammers benefit by promising visa worker to make salary certain percent of billing rate?

By promising visa worker to make salary certain percent of billing rate, scammers stop visa worker to negotiate salary and other benefits. Scammers also use this opportunity to fix minimum salary to visa worker and take all remaining money.

What precautions visa worker must take to avoid this scam?

Visa worker must take following precautions to save themselves from getting trap into any H1B visa scam:
Beware if any company promises to pay certain percentage of billing rate but refuse to pay entire money in every paycheck. Don't agree to keep any money with company.
Beware if any company asks for money (visa fee) in any form for filing H1B visa petition to US.
Beware if any company doesn't give offer letter before filing H1B visa petition to USCIS. The company must be cheating you and committing offer letter scam.
Beware if any company sends false client documents to USCIS along with your H1B visa petition. If the company cheats USCIS, then they won't hesitate to cheat you. More importantly, don't indulge in any illegal activities in any situation. Even if, any person from company giving advice to commit some fraud by suggesting that it'll be for your own benefit.

What steps visa worker must take to avoid this scam?

Visa worker must take following steps to save themselves from getting trap into this scam:
Get the offer letter before company files you H1B visa petition to USCIS. Scammers don't give offer letter before filing H1B visa petition. Before signing offer letter, ensure that it contains all the promised terms & conditions.
If company has promised you that company will pay certain percentage of billing rate, then ensure that the same has been specified in offer letter.

Before resigning from current job, ensure that you get the offer letter from the company where you are going to join.
Be alert if any company asks for money (visa fee) in any form for filing H1B visa.
Never commit any fraud or cheating even if it will benefit you.